--Meldungsgruppen: Feld OssyCode entfernt -- -------------------------------------- DELETE FROM edbTdef WHERE EdbInt=37 AND Feldname='OSSYCODE'; UPDATE edbBstn set Anzahl_Felder= 4 where edbInt = 37; ALTER TABLE edbArea DROP COLUMN OSSYCode -- Ungenutzte Mdb-Einträge GSUA, GSAD und PRES entfernt -- --------------------------------------------------- -- GSUA, keine Tdef-Einträge: DELETE FROM edbBstn WHERE edbint=903 -- GSAD, keine Tdef-Einträge: DELETE FROM edbBstn WHERE edbint=904 -- PRES: DELETE FROM edbBstn WHERE edbint=21 DELETE FROM edbTdef WHERE EdbInt=21; -- Entfernung der Nummer von div. Objektarten -- ------------------------------------------ -- -EVNT/Ereignis (3) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 2 where edbint=3 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 3 and feldname = 'NUM' -- -STAT/Zustand (7) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 2 where edbint=7 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 7 and feldname = 'NUM' -- -GLOB/globales Objekt (10) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 8 where edbint=10 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 10 and feldname = 'NUM' Update edbtdef set feldnummer = feldnummer - 1 where edbint = 10 and feldnummer > 4 -- -AKTN/Dialogschritt-Aktion (17) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 2 where edbint=17 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 17 and feldname = 'NUM' -- -PZUS/Plausizustand (18) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 2 where edbint=18 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 18 and feldname = 'NUM' -- -ABRC/Returncode (22) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 2 where edbint=22 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 22 and feldname = 'NUM' Update edbtdef set feldnummer = 1 where edbint = 22 and feldnummer = 2 -- -ITYP/Implementierungstyp (34) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 2 where edbint=34 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 34 and feldname = 'NUM' Alter Table edbItyp drop Column NUM -- -MEVT/auslösbare Operation (307) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 2 where edbint=307 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 307 and feldname = 'NUM' Update edbtdef set feldnummer = 1 where edbint = 307 and feldnummer = 2 -- -MEGL/evtsp. glob. Object (310) -> Sequence bestückt aus Globnummer Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 10 where edbint= 310 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 310 and feldname = 'NUM' Update edbtdef set feldnummer = feldnummer - 1 where edbint = 310 and feldnummer > 3 -- -MGLB/allg. glob. Object (311) -> Sequence bestückt aus Globnummer Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 9 where edbint= 311 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 311 and feldname = 'NUM' Update edbtdef set feldnummer = feldnummer - 1 where edbint = 311 and feldnummer > 2 -- -MSTA/erzeugter Zustand (306) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 2 where edbint=306 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 306 and feldname = 'NUM' Update edbtdef set feldnummer = 1 where edbint = 306 and feldnummer = 2 -- -IAKT/benutzte Aktion (322) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 2 where edbint=322 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 322 and feldname = 'NUM' Update edbtdef set feldnummer = 1 where edbint = 322 and feldnummer = 2 -- -IDSE/Dialogschritt-Einstieg (324) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 3 where edbint=324 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 324 and feldname = 'NUM' Update edbtdef set feldnummer = feldnummer - 1 where edbint = 324 and feldnummer > 2 -- -IDSS/Dialogschritt-Ausstieg (328) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 3 where edbint=328 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 328 and feldname = 'NUM' Update edbtdef set feldnummer = feldnummer - 1 where edbint = 328 and feldnummer > 2 -- -IDSA/Dialogschritt-übergang (329) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 2 where edbint=329 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 329 and feldname = 'NUM' -- -IPOB/ereignisspez. parmobjekt (331) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 12 where edbint=331 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 331 and feldname = 'NUM' Update edbtdef set feldnummer = 11 where edbint = 331 and feldnummer = 12 -- -MLDK/Meldungsklasse (348) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 2 where edbint=348 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 348 and feldname = 'NUM' -- -SMCS/Schriftgut Modulecall States (384) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 4 where edbint=384 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 384 and feldname = 'NUM' Update edbtdef set feldnummer = feldnummer -1 where edbint = 384 and feldnummer > 1 -- -SMCL/Schriftgut Modulecall (380) Update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 26 where edbint=380 Delete from edbtdef where edbint = 380 and feldname = 'EVNTNUM' Update edbtdef set feldnummer = feldnummer -1 where edbint = 380 and feldnummer > 17 Update edbtdef set position = 1 where feldname='EVNTUMS' -- ExpEdge: Code für unterschiedliche Typen von Verbindungsbausteinen -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- edbints für subtypen von FRST zusammenhalten: UPDATE [edbBstn] set Parent = 'FRST', edbint=260 where Name = 'NTRY' -- einfügen FRST als neuer parent von ntry, wfls, weba: INSERT INTO [edbBstn] ([Name], [Bezeichnung], [Suffix], [Präfix], [Zielsystem], [Aufrufbar], [Baustein_Kategorie], [Parent], [EdbInt], [Path], [Version], [Interface_Version], [Header_Record], [Anzahl_Felder], [Table_Mode], [AltPath], [ExtName], [AltExtName], [Sequenz], [Flags], [Picture], [ListBy], [ListFor], [Settings], [Interface_Dialog]) VALUES ('FRST', 'Verbindungsbaustein (Basis)', NULL, NULL, 'DMR', 0, -1, 'MODL', 53, NULL, 3, 8, 905, 14, 0, NULL, 'DV-MDL', 'DV-MDL', NULL, 18, NULL, 'LNTR', NULL, 'Ityp="";0', 0); -- einfügen wfls, weba: INSERT INTO [edbBstn] ([Name], [Bezeichnung], [Suffix], [Präfix], [Zielsystem], [Aufrufbar], [Baustein_Kategorie], [Parent], [EdbInt], [Path], [Version], [Interface_Version], [Header_Record], [Anzahl_Felder], [Table_Mode], [AltPath], [ExtName], [AltExtName], [Sequenz], [Flags], [Picture], [ListBy], [ListFor], [Settings], [Interface_Dialog]) VALUES ('WFLS', 'Verbindungsbaustein Workflow', NULL, NULL, 'DMR', 0, 1, 'FRST', 261, NULL, 3, 8, 905, 14, 0, NULL, 'DV-MDL', 'DV-MDL', NULL, 18, NULL, 'LNTR', NULL, 'Ityp="";0', 7494); INSERT INTO [edbBstn] ([Name], [Bezeichnung], [Suffix], [Präfix], [Zielsystem], [Aufrufbar], [Baustein_Kategorie], [Parent], [EdbInt], [Path], [Version], [Interface_Version], [Header_Record], [Anzahl_Felder], [Table_Mode], [AltPath], [ExtName], [AltExtName], [Sequenz], [Flags], [Picture], [ListBy], [ListFor], [Settings], [Interface_Dialog]) VALUES ('WEBA', 'Verbindungsbaustein Web', NULL, NULL, 'DMR', 0, 1, 'FRST', 262, NULL, 3, 8, 905, 14, 0, NULL, 'DV-MDL', 'DV-MDL', NULL, 18, NULL, 'LNTR', NULL, 'Ityp="";0', 7494); -- call-angaben von ntry nutzen für frst: UPDATE [edbCall] set Caller='FRST' where Caller='NTRY' -- hinzufügen call-angaben for wfls: -- achtung, seq kann bei al oder hn anders sein! INSERT INTO [edbCall] ([Seq], [Caller], [Callee]) VALUES (106, 'WFLS', 'GSTR') INSERT INTO [edbCall] ([Seq], [Caller], [Callee]) VALUES (107, 'WFLS', 'AFUN') INSERT INTO [edbCall] ([Seq], [Caller], [Callee]) VALUES (108, 'WFLS', 'DZUG') INSERT INTO [edbCall] ([Seq], [Caller], [Callee]) VALUES (109, 'WFLS', 'NTAA') -- Diagrammbausteine: Speichern und Generieren der Datenbeschriftung -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --edbBstn UPDATE edbBstn SET Anzahl_Felder = 55 WHERE EdbInt = 420; --edbTdef INSERT INTO [edbTdef] ([EdbInt],[Feldnummer],[Feldname],[Cluster],[Position],[Länge],[Typ],[Rochadetyp],[LinkBstn],[Redundant],[Bezeichnung],[Flags]) VALUES (420,52,'GRAPHFONTNAME',8,0,71,1,0,0,0,'Grafik Schriftname',0); INSERT INTO [edbTdef] ([EdbInt],[Feldnummer],[Feldname],[Cluster],[Position],[Länge],[Typ],[Rochadetyp],[LinkBstn],[Redundant],[Bezeichnung],[Flags]) VALUES (420,53,'GRAPHFONTSIZE',8,1,4,2,0,0,0,'Grafik Schriftgröße',0); INSERT INTO [edbTdef] ([EdbInt],[Feldnummer],[Feldname],[Cluster],[Position],[Länge],[Typ],[Rochadetyp],[LinkBstn],[Redundant],[Bezeichnung],[Flags]) VALUES (420,54,'GRAPHFONTSTYLE',8,2,4,2,0,0,0,'Grafik Schriftschnitt',0); -- SGPV-Tabelle bereinigt ------------------------- delete from edbtdef where (edbint = 704 and feldname = 'edbint') or (edbint = 704 and feldname='fldnr') update edbtdef set feldnummer = 7 where edbint = 704 and feldname = 'REFT' update edbtdef set feldnummer = 8 where edbint = 704 and feldname = 'FLDKEY' update edbtdef set feldnummer = 9 where edbint = 704 and feldname = 'FLDBEZ' update edbtdef set feldnummer = 10 where edbint = 704 and feldname = 'FILTER' update edbtdef set feldnummer = 11 where edbint = 704 and feldname = 'MAXLEN' update edbtdef set feldnummer = 12 where edbint = 704 and feldname = 'CTRPROP' update edbtdef set feldnummer = 13 where edbint = 704 and feldname = 'FLDAUSWKZ' update edbtdef set feldnummer = 14 where edbint = 704 and feldname = 'FLDFIXKZ' alter table edbsgpv drop column edbint alter table edbsgpv drop column fldnr update edbbstn set anzahl_felder = 15 where edbint=704 -- XSTR und ISPC aus MDB entfernt -- ------------------------------ delete from edbtdef where edbint = 9 delete from edbbstn where name = 'XSTR' drop table edbXstr delete from edbtdef where edbint = 35 delete from edbbstn where name = 'ISPC' -- ROLE und ITYP aus MDB entfernt -- ------------------------------ delete from edbBstn where name = 'ROLE' DELETE FROM edbtdef WHERE edbint = 6 drop Table edbRole delete from edbBstn where name = 'ITYP' DELETE FROM edbtdef WHERE edbint = 34 drop Table edbItyp update edbtdef set linkbstn=0 where linkbstn=6 update edbtdef set bezeichnung = 'Rolle' where edbint = 331 and feldnummer = 1