Folgende Syntax wird für das SET Statement erkannt:

Format 1: SET statement for basic table handling

        V                  |                         
          '-identifier-1-'        +-identifier-2-+   


Format 2: SET statement for adjusting indexes

        V              |                                  
>>-SET----index-name-3-+--+-UP BY---+--+-identifier-3-+--------><
                          '-DOWN BY-'  '-integer-2----'   


Format 3: SET statement for external switches

        | .-----------------.              |   
        V V                 |              |   


Format 4: SET statement for condition-names

        V                  |            
>>-SET----condition-name-1-+--TO TRUE--------------------------><


Format 5: SET statement for data-pointers

        V                              |   
          '-ADDRESS OF--identifier-5-'     

       +-ADDRESS OF--identifier-7-+   


Format 6: SET statement for procedure-pointers and function-pointers

        V                                   |   

       |        '-literal-1----'       |   


Format 7: SET statement for object references


Format 8: SET for length of dynamic-length elementary items

>>-SET--LENGTH OF--identifier-1--TO--+--identifier-2--+--><