<!-- Copyright © 2000, TeamWiSE GmbH - All rights reserved. --> <!-- Since namespace info can hardly be defined properly with a DTD, and this type of document is not likely to be merged with other documents, no namespace is used here. --> <!ELEMENT ctrNgenArc (DoxInfo?, ctrNgen)> <!-- The Doxinfo element can also be found under "http://www.teamwise.de/pub/dtd/doxinfo.dtd". It is repeated here, since various tools do not support the external parameter entity declaration within a DTD properly. --> <!ELEMENT DoxInfo ( Position, IconNameOn, IconNameOff, GeVoGUID, GeVoID?, GeVoTyp?, GeVoBezeichnung?, VermittlerNr?, VermittlerName?, KundenNr?, KundenName?, VertragsNr?, ArbeitsgangTyp, ArbeitsgangDatum, ArchiveID?, DokID?, DokTypeKz?, DokType? )> <!ELEMENT Position (#PCDATA)> <!-- Currently L and R expected. This is an element and not an attribute, since attributes could not be used by iXOS that easily. --> <!ELEMENT IconNameOn (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT IconNameOff (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT GeVoGUID (#PCDATA)> <!-- This is a GUID including all decorating characters, unqiuely identifying anything for this business-case. --> <!ELEMENT GeVoID (#PCDATA)> <!-- This is an alternative identification, that is possibly not available from the start on. --> <!ELEMENT GeVoTyp (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT GeVoBezeichnung (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT VermittlerNr (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT VermittlerName (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT KundenNr (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT KundenName (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT VertragsNr (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT ArbeitsgangTyp (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT ArbeitsgangDatum (#PCDATA)> <!-- The format is in ANSI-SQL Timestamp format, i.e. yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.mmmµµµ --> <!-- Next four attributes to be used only in conjunction with Type=2 --> <!ELEMENT ArchiveID (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT DokID (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT DokTypeKz (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT DokType (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST DoxInfo Type ( 0 | 1 | 2 ) #REQUIRED> <!-- The meaning of type: 0: undefined 1: the content is an optical document (tiff). In this case the attributes ArchiveID, DokID, DokTypeKz and DokType will be used to determine the content to be archived. Note that a proper usage of XML-structures could have avoided this intrinsic meaning. 2: the content is xml, i.e. the rest of the document has to be archived. This type has to be specificied for the import-daemon of iXOS. --> <!ELEMENT ctrNgen (ctrSgut*)> <!-- Bundling all selected sgut-objects. --> <!ELEMENT ctrSgut (title?, desc?, ctrVari*, ctrTxtk?, ctrSgut*)> <!-- Describes a hierarchical sgut-object --> <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT desc (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST ctrSgut name CDATA #REQUIRED type ( SSBS | SSBG | SSTK | SSTZ ) #REQUIRED appl CDATA #REQUIRED stvs CDATA #REQUIRED shortname CDATA #REQUIRED date CDATA #REQUIRED op CDATA #REQUIRED seqid ID #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT ctrVari (#PCDATA)> <!-- Describes predefined variables for this type of sgut --> <!ATTLIST ctrVari name CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT ctrTxtk ( ctrTxtl | ctrTxtf | ctrTxtp )*> <!-- Describes the content of the sgut-object --> <!ATTLIST ctrTxtk name CDATA #REQUIRED shortname CDATA #REQUIRED date CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT ctrTxtp (#PCDATA)> <!-- This is a single placeholder/tag from the sgut-object --> <!ATTLIST ctrTxtp name CDATA #REQUIRED pos CDATA #REQUIRED fmt CDATA "T1" > <!ELEMENT ctrTxtf (#PCDATA)> <!-- This is an included file in the sgut-object --> <!ATTLIST ctrTxtf name CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT ctrTxtl (#PCDATA)> <!-- This is an undefined location in the sgut-object -->